Aberration test to micronuclei of polychromatophilic erythroblasts and chromosomes of primary spermatogonia of mouse testes did not induce aberration activity. 均未检出对雌雄小鼠嗜多染红细胞及雄性小鼠睾丸初级精母细胞染色体的诱变活性。
For large primary coma aberration, interference fringe presents. 大的初级彗差使焦平面出现干涉条纹。
Effect of Primary Spherical Aberration on Focusing of Circularly Polarized Vortex Bessel-Gaussian Beams 球差对圆偏涡旋贝塞耳-高斯光束聚焦场的影响
The aberration requirement for a system is replaced by requirements on structure and index gradient by means of| P and| W expressions of primary aberration coefficients. 把对光学系统的像差要求,通过元件的P~∞、W~∞初级像差系数表达式,变成对于系统的结构和折射率梯度的要求。
PWC Primary Aberration Expression of Thin Lens System Including Diffractive Optical Elements 含衍射光学元件的薄透镜系统初级像差的PWC表示
Based on the theory of primary aberration, the first-order optical parameters are determined at first through its paraxial analysis, flat-field condition, and aberration characteristics. 本文从初级像差理论出发,首先通过近轴分析、平象场条件和像差特征获得一阶光学参数。
Depending on middle school student mentality consult, we discover primary cause creating aberration of middle school student is householder subjectivism and unseemliness family education way. 在中学生个案心理咨询工作中,我们发现中学生的心理问题产生的最主要原因是家长的主观性教育和不合理的家庭教育方式。
A primary study on chromosomal aberration of lung cancer Supernumerary Chromosome The results of the experiment were negative. 试验结果表明,阿维菌素小鼠精原细胞染色体畸变分析试验结果为阴性。
A primary study on chromosomal aberration of lung cancer 肺癌染色体畸变分析
According to the primary aberration theory, the method to calculate the initial structure parameter of aspheric surface was presented. 根据初级像差理论,分析了非球面的位置、初始结构参数的求解规律。
Furthermore we applied the general ABCD theorem to evaluate the diffraction integral, matrix elements A~ D expressed in terms of the angular eikonal function T, and the primary aberration included. 此外应用推广的ABCD定理,可导出推广的含ABCD的衍射积分定理,用角程函的导数来表示。以此进行含初级(赛德耳)象差的衍射积分计算是方便的。
A Study on the Primary Aberration Theory of Decentered and Tilted Optical System 偏心和倾斜光学系统初级象差理论的研究
The adjustable variables and surface errors are correlated by modeling the relationship between surface errors which is represented by Zernike polynomials and the primary aberration. 利用Zernike多项式模拟面形误差,建立面形误差与初级像差的关系,使面形误差与调整变量联系起来。
Design of the Primary Structure of the Birefringent Lens with the Concept of Pseudo-Chromatic Aberration and the PW Method 用伪色差概念和PW方法设计双折射透镜初始结构
The primary aberration equation of the diffractive/ refractive hybrid thin lens system is solved by the method of P-W-C firstly. 首次采用P-W-C法求解衍/折射薄透镜系统的初级像差方程。
Thus, the primary factor of the aberration of focused beam is heterogeneous distribution of the tissue sound speed. 于是得出结论:组织声速在空间分布的非均匀性是导致聚焦声束能量分布畸变的主要原因。
The primary aberration can be corrected by DM with 19 actuators. If the number of actuator is increased, correction capability of DM is improved significantly. 19单元变形镜基本能满足校正初级像差的要求,单元数增多后,变形镜的校正能力显著提高。
The method and the result to solve the initial structural parameters by means of the primary aberration theory of an on-axis three-mirror system are given. 第三章简要介绍二次曲面和自由曲面的定义;然后,给出利用共轴三反射镜系统初级像差理论,求解初始结构参数的方法和结果。